Cash Flow and budgeting

Learn how to be smarter with your money

person holding pencil near laptop computer
Take control

know your money better

Understanding and managing your cash flow is a vital part to achieving your goals, feeling confident and being financially secure. We will never tell you not to spend or how much to save, but we can show you where your money goes, and how to make sure there’s enough on hand when you need it.

Car rego, energy bills, school fees, – some expenses need to be paid in one lump sum, and if you haven’t planned for them, your finances could be put under unwanted strain.

Predicting when you’ll need money in the bank can help you avoid unnecessary debt and stress. This is what cash flow management is all about, and we can help you become good at it.

Budgeting on the other hand, is about planning your expenditure to support your financial goals. A good budget will keep your spending in check, and makes sure your savings are on track to meet your goals.

a person riding a skate board at a skate park

Common questions about Cash Flow and Budgeting

You’ll need to itemise all your expenses.  Looking at your bank statements and creating a spreadsheet is a good start.  We have the tools and prompts to help.

Increasing your income is the only real way to increase your cash flow. But better managing your cash flow is important too.

The big ticket items are mortgages and discretionary spending(yes coffee and shoes). By consolidating debt or renegotiating with your bank, as well as not overspending on discretionary items, often result in significant savings.

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want to better understand where your money goes?

Book a consultation to discuss Cash Flow and Budgeting.